Author: letsmakeaplay

Letting the idea take over

Credit application after credit application. I get them almost everyday, asking me to join now and save and get these points or that interest rate. When I was in my 20s those cards were everything. I needed them to both survive and buy all of the things other 20-year-olds had. I needed them — and […]

To Prompt or Not to Prompt?

There are countless stories to tell. And even if a version of that story has been told, there are millions of other ways to tell it through your unique and incredible perspective, voice, and characters. But we don’t always see it that way. We get stuck, unclear, and experience the dreaded block! And then, along […]

What is Let’s Make a Play?

Creating something a wonderful thing. And you don’t have to go to a certain school do it. You just have to use your imagination, and with the guidance and community of Let’s Make a Play, you’ll be able to see your ideas come to life. Our method is simple: write, mold, collaborate and listen. Students […]